Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Insert HUGE Sigh Of Relief Here

   Had my first day of L&D today.  Was a CRAAAAAAZY day.  And I loved every minute of it!  Again, teared up with joy while watching a vag delivery.  I am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief because I'm feeling those butterflies I haven't felt in so long, and I'm reminded why I went into medicine.  I LOVE OB/GYN!

    More later.  Have to sleep now.


  1. I love when people get *that feeling* on a rotation! :) Glad you're enjoying OB so far.

  2. Glad you're enjoying it. I'm always amazed by how different people enjoy different aspects of medicine. My thought in watching babies being born has always been "OMG...this is so boring. To each their own!

  3. great post girl- happy to read you got that excitement again!

  4. woot woot stella has got her groove back!
