Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Feeling Territorial Over OBGyn

   Wow, I haven't posted for a while!  I've been busy with the gynecology and outpatient clinic part of my OBGyn rotation, but I've been loving every minute of it.  I'm still super jazzed about pursuing OBGyn as my specialty.  I have been working my butt off, and for the first time in a very long time I actually feel like I'm doing a good job.  I've been getting good feedback from people I've been working with, and I just love what I'm doing again.

   One thing that has been irritating the hell out of me is how several people in my class all of a sudden are "interested in OBGyn".  There are a few people that, like me, have been super interested from the start - and I don't mind them at all.  In fact, we often work together and help each other out in our pursuits.  What bothers me is classmates who tell the attendings and residents they are considering OBGyn, but when talking to fellow classmates, admit they have no interest.  Come on people!  Telling people you want to go into a field that you actually don't is not going to help you at all.  And it just makes the residents and attendings not take anyone seriously.  It's extremely frustrating for people like me to witness these interactions, and I've lost respect for a few people because of it.  If people truly are all of a sudden interested in OBGyn, then that's great.  But it's really hard for me to listen to people say they are interested, when their actions and attitudes clearly indicate that they are not.  Also, I realize I am being a brat.  And I think I'm okay with that...

   Funny enough, I was describing my feelings about this matter to BF, and he goes, "Well, that's very OBGyn of you to feel territorial like that."  And then I just laughed.

   Also, here are my latest nails.  And yes, they are a tiny bit unprofessional.




  1. Loving this post. Although I am just trying to make it through my first year, I am looking forward to rotations.

    Also, we are currently taking Histology so it is wrong that when I saw your nails I thought of rough Endoplasmic Reticulum? LOL

    Glad you are enjoying your rotations!

  2. You know, having my nails compared to RER is a first, but I love it! Too funny! :P

  3. I don't understand why med students pretend to be interested in fields that they aren't. Residents and attendings understand that not everyone will be interested in their field, and the vast majority of the time they don't penalize students who aren't interested in the field as long as they show a minimally acceptable level of enthusiasm.

  4. What I find hilarious is that the people who feign interest are so quickly seen through by the attendings. Who do they think they're fooling anyway? Pretending to be interested isn't going to get you a better mark for the rotation. Rather, it's a poor reflection on themselves and since it's a small world the insincerity will come back to them. Just keep focused on yourself - your sincerity will win out in the end and karma will do what karma does to the others.

  5. Unprofessional? Please! As long as they're not too long to do your work, crazy them up! :p

  6. not being a brat whatsoever...I had a similar situation when an gf of mine (no longer my gf) decided she wanted to pursue art school months after I did (when she's never shown a legit interest in art whatsoever). I was SOOOO FRUSTRATED because I felt like I had dedicated so much to my graduate pursuits and she came along interested like it was some sort of trend. and 'peeper' above is def right...karma will do its thing.

  7. Don't worry. We attendings see right through it. Wouldn't even bat an eyelash over it.
