Today J and I drove up to the Georgetown/Quintette area and hiked to the University Falls. Basically they are 5 or so big natural waterfalls in the middle of the mountains. Because they are so far buried in the forest (it takes 90 minutes to hike each way), they are a pretty well-kept secret, not many people know about them, which makes it great because they are usually not too crowded.
Today was the most crowded I had ever seen them, but i think that is because a group of boy scouts or whatever was there. They were behind us for part of our hike and reminded J and I why we don't want kids haha.
Anyway, it was a very fun trip. I drove there for the first time, and we were able to find it fairly easily thanks to some directions on some outdoor excursion website I found. The roads were a little on the windy side (windy as in curvy, not as in the weather being windy haha). But thankfully my car was very cooperative! I am always afraid that thing is gonna tip, but it was good!