Saturday, March 2, 2013

Try Not To Blink, Everything Will Pass You By

   How is it already March?!  I feel like just yesterday I was finishing up with the winter holiday break and starting out of my Primary Care rotation.  The last two months of Primary Care just flew by.  Overall, primary care was okay.  I liked the hours, and I loved getting to know some of the patients, especially the old sassy ones.  What I didn't really care for were the types of problems that the patients come in for: musculoskeletal aches and pains, coughs/colds, etc just doesn't really tickle my fancy.  I did, however, get really jazzed when a woman would come in with OB/Gyn-related issues.  At one point, I knew more than my attending did about contraception, and that patient really looked to me and trusted my input.  I also didn't care for the pace.  It seemed to me that the attendings and residents moved SO SLOW in clinic.  And a lot of the day was spent waiting for patients to show up - and then they would be super late and throw off the whole day's schedule.
   I can't believe that we only have one more rotation of third year.  I am so ready to be done with third year.  I'm so tired of being evaluated 24/7 by tons of different people, who seem to have been given a script of feedback to give.  "You did a great job, you're right where you should be. Just keep doing what you're doing.  No, I can't really think of anything that you can work on" = pass.  It's just annoying to me because I'm doing much better work clinically than I was in the beginning of the year, but I'm more tired and burned out, so I'm just not as bubbly and gung-ho about everything, and it seems like those qualities are more important in our evaluations.  On the bright side, I feel really good about the fact that I have come a long ways over this year.  I have picked up so much knowledge about taking care of patients, I have become a lot more efficient, and I think I am pretty competent at H&Ps.  What I'm most proud about, is how much more confident I have become over the year in several aspects.  I'm no longer afraid of attendings or residents.  I feel comfortable expressing my opinion and demonstrating my skills.  I am so much more comfortable with patient interactions now.  I have even gotten to the point where I start counseling and introduce some of my thoughts about the assessment and plan to the patient before even discussing it with anyone (only if I'm pretty sure I know what's going on, of course).  So regardless of what my evaluations have been saying lately, I know I've improved drastically over this year, and I'm very happy with where I'm at now.  I can't wait to continue improving and learning, too.

   Things have been extremely busy lately, and it seems like everything is gearing up in my life right now.  Primary Care had a ton of projects and assignments to fill up our free time.  The research I'm working on with one of the OB/Gyn residents just got IRB approved, so that's gonna start taking off.  MIRTH is next week, so I've been working with some classmates to pull that together.  I submitted an application to go to a special leadership conference for MSFC in May (I really hope I get it!).  There are a bunch of other things going on too, and third year is almost over, so we're planning and scheduling our fourth year, which is stressful but super exciting!  I've already scheduled my USMLE Step 2 CK and CS dates.

   So this weekend is a nice chance to "relax" before my next, and last, rotation of third year: Internal Medicine.  It's gonna be rough, I already know.  But my plan is to just hit it hard, and study really hard during it - that way I'm ready to take Step 2 CK a couple of weeks after it's done.  This weekend is also going to be half dedicated to "get my shit together" before getting cozy living under my rock for the next two months.


  1. I agree, HOW IS IT MARCH?? I am so excited for you to move on to 4th year... Best. Year. Ever.

    Also I pull up your instagram and show my friends pictures of your puppy all the time. Just wanted to let you know haha.

  2. Sounds like your on track and doing great!!! Keep it up!! :)
    Hope to see you on the MedMon grid on Monday!

  3. Adorable animals! Glad to see you check in :)

  4. Things really start to go by quickly when you hit those milestone tests! Thanks for linking up with Medical Mondays:-)

  5. Hi there ^.^ visiting you from MM hop! My SO had to REDO his third year because he transferred back to the States from Grenada, which was before we met and he was NOT happy, Lol. Hope you pass that test with flying colors! :) PS...your dog is adorable :D

  6. It was good read about an really honest opinion about what primary care is like. Its definitely something I am interested, but I like things to move quickly, maybe rural is a bit different? Good luck with internal and on your USMLE exams! Also, your dog made my heart melt.

  7. Hopping over from MM!
    I know your cat only looks fat because of it's fur, but I really want to snuggle that chubby, fuzzy beast. Was it difficult to find a pet-friendly place in Sacramento?

    I'm interested in the primary care aspect. I would argue that Primary Care *can* be fast-paced, but it depends on the people managing the clinic. That's just my opinion from being on the scheduling side of things. But yes, patients showing up late is annoying for everyone.

  8. Found you via the MMH!

    Yes, time flies! Your pets are totally adorable!


    Ray Doc Wife

  9. I'm stopping by from MM! I enjoyed reading your most recent couple of posts! Cute dogs too. :-)

    Laura at DoctorSpouses
